Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Talent Code Part 2

Folks that know or watch people who are truly great at what they do intuitively knew what Daniel Coyle described in his book "The Talent Code." There is nothing new about what your parents told you many years ago: "Hard Work Pays Off."
Believe it or not, I think that Daniel Coyle is missing the most important quality for enduring greatness. The missing ingredient is the LOVE of what you do. Just like the old time baseball players who used to say, " I would play this game even if they didn't pay me."

Do you remember Sunday nights when you were young? Most of us dreaded that time of the week because we knew that in a few hours we would have to go to school. May be some of you still hate Sunday evening even though your favorite show is on TV. You know that you will face another week at a job that you can not stand.

I love Sunday evenings! I love Monday mornings even better. I LOVE picking up my instruments and fixing teeth. If you gave me a choice between going on vacation and going to work.......I would go to work. Many folks just don't understand this and that is ok...I am used to it.

Love what you do and you have an opportunity to be GREAT at your Life's Work. Practice, Passion and Motivation will get you to the gates of greatness. When you add Love to the mix...Greatness is in the realm of possible.